Google Brain

Google Brain

Sunday, Mar 7, 2021

In the contemporary era, we all are revolved around the mobile phone, internet, youTube google, facebook, etc. Particularly, Google . It is an American multinational technology company that pursue in internet - related services and products. But, one question appears in human mind, " Where does all that sort of stuff comes in google ? " Is google have also brain like us? Yes, google brain is a deep learning artificial intelligence research team at google platform. It was founded by Andrew Yan -Tan Ng ( bristish born computer scientist) in the early year of 2010’s at Mountain View, California.

3 minutes read
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Sunday, Mar 7, 2021

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI), you must have heard about it. Nowadays we are using it in the form of software like google maps and many more. Humans, with their intelligence and knowledge have invented computers, internet, smartphones and there have been a lot of inventions to make our lives easy. In the field of technology, humans have developed at such a level that they are thinking of making machines which could think, understand and work like humans intelligently and independently. So, basically ‘AI’ is a subset of computer science that focuses on machine-driven intelligence (i.e., non-human intelligence)

2 minutes read
Human Brain

Human Brain

Saturday, Mar 6, 2021

Human Brain is one of the most valuable creation of god. Human Beings are the most intelligent and creative organism in the world . And the thing that make us different from other organism is our brain which gives us thinking capacity and capability to sustain our life in a better way. But since death is inevitable so for sure one day we will lose the knowledge of our brain. And as we know that knowledge is the most precious thing in this era . So today scientists are in search to create an artificial brain that can think, response, take decision and keep anythings in memory.

5 minutes read
Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking

Saturday, Mar 6, 2021

Ethical hacking is an authorised process of hacking by which we can gain unauthorised access over a defined network, computer, or data. It is generally performed by the security experts called “White Hats”,so that we can copy malicious hackers actions , steps and strategies. An Ethical Hacker can identify the unusual actions and help them to resolve before unusual or malicious attackers exploited them.

3 minutes read
Smart Dustbin

Smart Dustbin

Friday, Mar 5, 2021

  • It solves the social issue of waste disposal
  • It identify the kind of material thrown inside
  • It separate bio or nonbiodegradable waste(WET AND DRY GARBAGE) without human interpretation
  • This dustbin come with an Wi-Fi option as an inactive of throwing garbage
3 minutes read
Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Friday, Mar 5, 2021

Currently who doesn’t know about the self driving car launched by Tesla or the first humanoid robot Sophia? It was only possible due to Artificial intelligence (AI). From the minor activities like asking Alexa or Siri and even getting recommendations from Spotify or Netflix to one of the greatest achievement of auto driving cars, AI is involved in our daily life. So, why not first let’s understand what actually is AI and how it functions.

3 minutes read
Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture

Thursday, Mar 4, 2021

Since carbon dioxide being one of the major constituent of green house gasses ultimately contributing to Global warming.Therefore It becomes necessary to reduce carbon footprint in atmosphere .

2 minutes read
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

Thursday, Mar 4, 2021

Artificial intelligence(AI) is one of the top trending technologies in recent times. Whether it is amazon’s Alexa or Tesla’s self-driving car, they always remain in our centre of attraction. These gadgets are based on the technology AI.

2 minutes read
IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT (Internet of Things)

Wednesday, Mar 3, 2021

Before introducing you with this topic, I would love to share- why the world is so interested in IoT (Internet of Things)

Why is it important?

  • Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • IoT will touch everything
  • Everything will have IoT

IoT refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to Internet, all collecting and sharing data.

3 minutes read
Skytran(Increasing mobility of India)

Skytran(Increasing mobility of India)

Wednesday, Mar 3, 2021

There are many projects which involve revolutionizing the public transport sector in the world like the Hyperloop, driverless automobiles, passenger carrying drones, etc. Among all the methods of transport that the future holds, the one which is right around the corner to be implemented is the skyTran researched and developed by NASA and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). It is as costly as taking a bus ticket, is extremely fast, energy efficient, elevated and the most important, eco-friendl𝚢.

3 minutes read

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