Smart Dustbin
@ MANAN | Friday, Mar 5, 2021 | 3 minutes read | Update at Friday, Mar 5, 2021

  • It solves the social issue of waste disposal
  • It identify the kind of material thrown inside
  • It separate bio or nonbiodegradable waste(WET AND DRY GARBAGE) without human interpretation
  • This dustbin come with an Wi-Fi option as an inactive of throwing garbage


  • It works automatically without any touch
  • It opens itself by using IOT and senser based circuit
  • It measures the level of garbage in the bin and automatically detect if it is about to fill
  • It will be contactless, hence a good way to fight with covid-19


  • It’s system consist of consist of sensor in order to detect human clap signal or on clap of feet it opens
  • It’s ultrasonic sensor constantly measure the garbage in the bin and automatically detect if it is about to fill.
  • It’s IOT gecko to develop the online web part for IOT system
  • It’s sensor will give indicator if wrong garbage has been inserted


  • Arduino UNO
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module
  • TowerPro SG90 Servo Motor
  • Connecting Wires
  • 5V Power Supply
  • A small dustbin with hinged lid
  • Miscellaneous (glue, plastic tube, etc.)

i) HC-04 Ultrasonic sensor :- It is a sensor used for detecting distance to the object using sonar consists of two ultrasonic transmitters (basically speakers), a receiver, and a control circuit

ii) SG90 TowerPro Servo Motor :- It is tiny and light weight servo motor with high output power Servo can rotate approximately 180 degrees (90 in each direction), and works just like the standard kinds

Circuit Diagram

The following image shows the circuit diagram of the Smart Dustbin using Arduino. It is a very simple design as the project involves only two components other than Arduino.



  • Refers all the item that are organic
  • Like food items, soiled food wrappers, hygiene products, yard waste
  • It is Biodegradable kitchen waste


Dry : Paper, plastic, metal, glass. … Reject: Broadly, anything that isn’t biodegradable or can’t be recycled.


After setting up the Smart Dustbin and making all the necessary connections, upload the code to Arduino and provide 5V power supply to the circuit. Once the system is powered ON, Arduino keeps monitoring for any object near the Ultrasonic Sensor.

If the Ultrasonic Sensor detects any object like a hand for example, Arduino calculates its distance and if it less than a certain predefined value, Arduino will activate the Servo Motor and with the support of the extended arm, it will list the lid open.

After certain time, the lid is automatically closed.


A simple but useful project called Smart Dustbin. Using this project, the lid of the dustbin stays closed, so that waste is not exposed (to avoid flies and mosquitos) and when you want dispose any waste, it will automatically open the lid.

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