Artificial Intelligence
@ MAMTA | Sunday, Mar 7, 2021 | 2 minutes read | Update at Sunday, Mar 7, 2021

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI), you must have heard about it. Nowadays we are using it in the form of software like google maps and many more. Humans, with their intelligence and knowledge have invented computers, internet, smartphones and there have been a lot of inventions to make our lives easy. In the field of technology, humans have developed at such a level that they are thinking of making machines which could think, understand and work like humans intelligently and independently. So, basically ‘AI’ is a subset of computer science that focuses on machine-driven intelligence (i.e., non-human intelligence)


How it started?

In 1950, a mathematician named Alan Turing published his seminal paper called “Computing Machinery and intelligence”, and in that paper, he introduced the famous Turing test, a test where he’s basically asking questions of “can machines think like humans?”. Following the Turing paper, the first AI programs were created in the early to mid-1950s, and they focused mainly on playing chess, checkers, and proving mathematical theorems. The field of AI research was born at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956, where the term “Artificial Intelligence” was coined by John McCarthy, computer and cognitive scientist. The mid to late 1950s and 1960s brought about additional advancement in AI. Later on, biologically inspired software known as “neural networks” came on the scene. These networks mimic the way living things learn how to identify complex tasks. Deep learning and big data with advanced technologies are now in limelight.

Artificial Intelligence Implementations

  • Face Detection and Recognition
  • Text Editors or Autocorrect
  • Search and Recommendation Algorithms
  • E-Payments
  • Social Media
  • Virtual Assistant or chatbots
  • Self-driving cars or Autonomous Vehicles
  • Healthcare and Medical Imaging Analysis
  • Manufacturing and productions

And there are many more examples where Artificial Intelligence is being used.


Benefits of AI

  1. AI helps in minimizing errors and gives accurate information.
  2. Smart decision making
  3. Solving complex problems
  4. Helps in Automation
  5. Medical Advances
  6. Research and Data Analysis
  7. Managing Repetitive tasks
  8. Machines working on AI don’t need sleep, rest, as they don’t get bored or tired.

Disadvantages of AI

Some of the major disadvantages are-

  1. Unemployment-One of the major issues for humans.
  2. High Cost-It requires huge costs as it is a complex machine.
  3. Machines lack creativity-The issue with machines is that it functions as programmed.
  4. No emotions-Machines cannot replace the human connection that makes the team.

What’s the best part of AI?

AI may replace a few job roles temporarily, but overall, it will increase global productivity and there will always be need of humans

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