Does social media connect or distract us from what really matters?
@ ABHISHEK | Monday, Mar 8, 2021 | 3 minutes read | Update at Monday, Mar 8, 2021

As we entered 21st century, Social media started coming into picture and now many people started talking about social media connection or distraction. To understand this game, let’s first understand both aspects of social media.


If you look at the positive aspects of social media, you can not deny how much upliftment this has done in our society and our lives by providing multiple jobs opportunity for many of the people. we can connect easily from every part of the world with anyone we want that’s blessing in disguise for 21st century people. one of the recent examples for social media power everyone can feel is of coronavirus situation.

when whole country was in lockdown then also many sectors like educational, entertainment (OTT) was going on through many social media platforms which was awesome for many childrens, Citizen’s and the government. Similarly many things was going on only through social media which saved our economy by collapsing completely. now many disagree at the same time with social media about people engagement like many of the youths get indulge in social media that they forget about their real life by entering in virtual life. many experts says that social media is socially distancing from everyone like two people are sitting together but both of them are looking at their mobile screen. yes, I agree this is one of the major problem that people get started living in virtual world but wait you can not stop the growth of the humanity like by the boom of social media everyone getting the equal opportunities for learning, education, jobs and Many purposes which has completely removed the geographical barrier for people so instead we should look for the ways how we can tackle the shortcomings coming in the way of Growth like by the Good of social media it also has come up with major shortcomings like cybercrime that was even shown beautifully in an webseries Jamtara that was based on the Real stories and also even children nowadays getting exposed to social media in a very early age along with youths & old that makes them vulnerable to bad people very easily. Actually Nowadays many people develops their mindset through what they see & hear on social media so when they like see someones photos & Videos or any kind of post mostly on Instagram & Facebook we are aware of which ultimately most of try to put their best either by editing or any software so people kind of started comparing themselves like they are very happy even though they may not and I’m sad kind of thing just by watching their social media posts that’s obviously is not a good sign. Now you may say this all creating employment for many people like Influencing. yeah I agree that’s good but when rest of the people repeat these patterns of social media surfing, less likely they become to question What they are doing and why they are doing it, that ultimately gives rise to a new kind of disease mental health.

Even one documentary Social dilemma have very beautifully shown this, you can take a look Therefore We should make aware to the people about how they should use social media for their good and not get trapped. so social media can be a connector or distractor both it just depends on individual so for making the world a bit better we should make people aware for the bad with the continuation of growth and humanity

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