Artificial Intelligence
@ ANAND | Friday, Mar 12, 2021 | 4 minutes read | Update at Friday, Mar 12, 2021

I am going to share some useful information regarding one of the most emerging topic in the field of advancement in technology ,any guesses?? yeah , it is none other than Artificial Intelligence . Lets start with what it really is??What does this term mean?? In simplest way we can consider it as a technique of getting machines to work and behave like humans.

Basically this term is used to describe a machines ability to perform tasks like learning,reasoning,creativity,perception and many more which were once considered unique to humans . It is strange to hear but yes, we have come this far in the field of science and technology.


Let’s peek into the history of AI :

While discussing about artificial intelligence , it would be quite unfair if we don’t peek into its history. When the scientists decided to increase the efficiency of human work and all recent technologies of that time had become outdated, then they came with the term artificial intelligence. The term Artificial Intelligence was coined decades ago in the year 1955 by John McCarthy, also known as father of AI,at Dartmouth Conference. He defined AI as a science and engineering of making intelligent machines. Since then , many amendments have been made in this definition.

Types of AI :

There are three types of AI:

Narrow or Weak Artificial Intelligence

It involves applying artificial intelligence only to specific tasks. Majority of currently existing system who claim to use artificial intelligence are operating on this weak AI. Some examples of weak AI are alexa,facebook’s news feed, face recognition in iPhone, google maps etc.

General or Strong Artificial Intelligence

It involves machines that posses the ability to perform any intellectual task that human being can.Now here comes the threat of human existence. Many experts questions whether it is desirable. Stephen Hawking made a statement that strong AI would take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever increasing rate . Human, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete ,and would be superseded. But many experts still believe that the idea of strong AI can’t be achieved.

Artificial Super intelligence

It is completely hypothetical. It refers to the time when capabilities of computers will surpass humans.

Uses of AI :

If I say that nowadays we are almost surrounded by AI’s unknowingly, I don’t think it would be a false statement. I is used in wide range of fields including healthcare,robotics,marketing,business analytics and many more. Even if I think of plagiarism while writing this blog,ohh,that is also an AI😅. If we look for more applications of AI in various sectors:

  • Banks use AI in the fields like organizing operations, investing in stocks, managing their properties, calculation of their profits or charges and many more.
  • If we talk about music, then it play roles in music compositions, music theory, sound breaks, performance etc.
  • Automatic gearboxes in automobiles.
  • Video game bots is an excellent example of AI which are designed to stand in opponent section where human are not available or desired.
  • In hospitals,AI is used in collecting medical informations,making reports, in surgery, in diagnosis, computer aided interpretation of medical images and more.

Let’s Conclude:

AI has made our life so convenient and smooth that we have been directly or indirectly become dependent on its technologies . Initially it was like a boon for all of us but the direction in which we are using it, its quite difficult to say whether its a boon or a threat for all of us.

Tech Tycoon Elon Musk has said “Artificial Intelligence will be vastly smarter than any human and would overtake us by 2025. We are headed towards a situation where AI is vastly smarter than humans which is an existential threat to humanity”.

In which direction AI is taking us is still a matter of suspense .

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