Dyson Swarm
@ GAURAV | Saturday, Mar 20, 2021 | 2 minutes read | Update at Saturday, Mar 20, 2021

Ever wondered what all could have had been possible if we are capable of creating an infinite source of energy well this post will tell you about one such possible energy resource. Let’s start with the materials required for building this structure

  • A middle aged stable star(red dwarf prefered)
  • A large no. of solar panels(disintegrating a planet will work)
  • A capable storage unit

We are going to discuss about dyson swarm in this post so what is a dyson sphere


Do you know about solar panels?

We are just surrounding the sun by a group of solar pannels linked and synchronised out of the protoplanetary disc to avoid any major collision with meteorites as major meteorites travel in protoplanetary disc’s plane Now for the next part how to create panels which cover the sun completely well we have a practical benefit here we may cover only 10% of total surface area of sun and yet get enough meet up a seven billion population’s energy demands on every planet. So what are the hindrances in this actually this sort of a mega structure would require a permanent human base on some planet nearer to sun The scale of tech to store and transport energy has not been developed yet We still lack the tech to predict solar flares which is a major threat to our system

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