Cloud Computing
@ AYUSH KUMAR | Sunday, Mar 21, 2021 | 4 minutes read | Update at Sunday, Mar 21, 2021

The availability of several computing services over the Internet – “the cloud” is termed as cloud computing. The services provided include, storage (rather a common term for all! Yes, it is the cloud storage we use on our phone, e.g.: Mi cloud, Google Photos, Google Drive, etc.). But did you know Cloud Computing is not restricted to just storing data online but spreads from providing services like DBMS, networking, servers, etc. This blog will throw some light on the lesser-known services of computing over the “Cloud”!



In early 1980’s the term cloud was referred to the platforms which allowed you to carry data without actually carrying the storage device. The word cloud was used as a metaphor for Internet as the contents of the both cloud and the internet are not fixed or not stationed at any one place. However, the term cloud computing was popularized in 2006 when released its product Elastic Compute Cloud. Cloud computing has only gained more popularity ever since.


Cloud computing is a big leap from the age-old computing services where people were dependent on some fixed hardware and had to buy softwareto complete a task.Cloud Computing has enabled, its users to get rid of these problems by decreasing the amount of hardware andsoftware needed to complete a task with same or better efficiency and even cutting the expenses to do a task. These large spectra of benefits have made organizations turn towards ‘cloud computing’services:

Fast Speed- Providing ‘on demand' and ‘self service', enables the cloud service providers to provision large amount of data instantly just with a few mouse clicks.

Performance Enhancement- Biggest cloud computing services run a worldwide network of very advanced data centers, which are regularly updated to latest generation which provides benefits like reduced network inactivity and greater economic scales.

Security & Privacy- Cloud providers offers a broad range of policies backed up with technology to provide them. Data protection and privacy check from every possible threat is their prime concern. Cloud services maintain a very high security standard.

Reliability- Cloud computing allows us to make databackups, data recovery, and maintain a flow in our business not allowing it to stop suddenly due to loss in data.

Cost Efficiency- Cloud services eliminate the cost of buying sophisticated hardware and reduces various other costs. It charges us only for the service we used and the amount of service we used. Confused! what’s the difference, everywhere renting has the same policy. Let me give you an example – Whenever you buy a phone you pay for the whole phone for all it’s feature, battery, storage, software whether you need all of them or not. But in clouding services you pay for what you use and how much you use.

Scaling Benefits- Benefits of cloud computing services also have the ability to scale either ways. In technical language it means delivering the appropriatenumber of technical resources like computing power,storage, bandwidth and the ability to increase or decrease the quantity or quality instantly and at will. The resources are to be provided whenever necessary and at any geographical location.

Productivity- Cloud computing eradicates the use of data centers, hardware setups and lessens the use of software and other time-consuming chores. Hence, enhances productivity.


Clouds also have different types according to their services involved and the required use. Choosing a cloud involves factors like requirement, type of services and financial permittance. 3 DIFFERENT WAYS TO DEPLOY CLOUD SERVICE:  Private Cloud It refers to cloud computing resources or services owned by a single group, organization, business, committee or any singleton body. In this arrangement the services and infrastructure are maintained by a private network. Large organizations have a data center for their services whereas smaller organizations use a third-party service provider to their cause.  Public Cloud Public Clouds are owned and provided by third parties which offer their service to large number of customers over the cloud i.e., Internet, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, Mi Cloud are examples of public clouds. We access and manage our account using a web browser while using a public cloud.  Hybrid Cloud Hybrid cloud is a sandwich result of public and private clouds allowing diffusions of data between them. It gives a business greater reach and optimizing opportunities and security.


Directly or indirectly we all are using cloud computing, if you click a picture, watch TV, save a document, make backups, maintain a social media account it is very much possible that cloud computing has a major role behind the scene. It’s vast application and benefits have allowed cloud computing to grew its root deep in the market only in a decade.

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