Wireless Transmission

Wireless Transmission

Thursday, Mar 11, 2021

In the Era of evolving technology, we are seeing a large number of advanced gadgets. But there are few branches (fields) where we haven’t made major improvement. When we talk about electricity, we talk about wires, cables and different kinds of transmitter, transformers and capacitors but in near future these things are going to vanish from day-to-day life. Wi-Tricity (wireless electricity) is a technology in which we can transfer electricity without using wires and cables. Wi-Tricity is an Australian company that is consistently working towards this technology and trying hard to make our life easier.

3 minutes read
Wireless Charging

Wireless Charging

Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021

In present era in which we use wireless ear buds, landlines are replaced by handy phones, watches are gone smart but we still use wires and charging pads to feed electricity to our smart gadgets. But these conventional ways of charging are going to change soon by the technology of true wireless charging.

2 minutes read

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