Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication EngineersÉCRIRE
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Over the past 2 century the world has witnessed some incredible transformation. The industry that has revolutionized the modern world is AUTOMOBILE.
In present era in which we use wireless ear buds, landlines are replaced by handy phones, watches are gone smart but we still use wires and charging pads to feed electricity to our smart gadgets. But these conventional ways of charging are going to change soon by the technology of true wireless charging.
IoT stands for Internet of Things as the name is clearly speaking is just a network of physical objects(things) that are embedded with sensors, software and other technologies for the aim of connecting and enhancing information with different devices over the web. IoT devices include sensors, software, actuators and other computer devices. IoT works by collecting high volume machine generated data from a variety of sensors to support real time operations.
IETE-ISF presents before you the most exciting and enthralling event “Ecrire” the blogg-o-battle. Blogging is a way to put your thoughts in words and express your soul out.