Thursday, Mar 25, 2021

Today, the field of Artificial Intelligence is moving at such a staggering pace, that AI has become the centre of attention of today’s technological world! AI has become the most popular buzzword these days. This field has become so much popular that even the people who are not directly related to this field have some strong opinions about the future of this field. But, buzzwords are used in a way which focuses on impressing people and the real meaning is altered for own benefit. So the word AI is used in many ways it is desired. This is not correct as the real essence of what the buzzword is expressing is never understood. Therefore, we must first understand completely what AI is, and then form opinions about its future and its potential. The most important step in understanding AI, is its aim. Knowing the aim of this discipline and why such discipline came into existence in first place, is really important to understand what AI is.

4 minutes read
Linguistic Relativity(An interplay of language, neuroscience and our perception of the world)

Linguistic Relativity(An interplay of language, neuroscience and our perception of the world)

Thursday, Mar 25, 2021

We perceive the world around us through our senses and frame thoughts constructed on the stimuli we receive from them. It has long been speculated that our thoughts are universalized and indifferent to the language, culture and environment around us. This has drove the fascination of eminent neuroscientists, psychologists, linguists and philosophers for ages and has galvanised them to delve deep into this mystifying domain. With the advancement in technology and cutting-edge research in psycholinguistic studies, we have foregathered some conclusive results that are indicative of how language alters the way we think. In this blog we will peruse some of the psycho physical evidences and pragmatize the theory of linguistic relativity(how thoughts vary with languages). We will also acknowledge the essentiality of preserving linguistic diversity and thereby our culture.

4 minutes read
Technology And You

Technology And You

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2021

The impact of technological know-how is abundant, forcing new methods to mankind the science industry will likely take a new shape in the coming years.

3 minutes read
Virtual Assistance in Healthcare(All you need to know)

Virtual Assistance in Healthcare(All you need to know)

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2021

Data Science is rapidly growing and occupying all the industries in the world today. There are various applications of data science that are transforming the healthcare sector. One the important aspect of it is Virtual Assistance. In this topic, we will understand the various underlying concepts of data science used in it.

5 minutes read
Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth Technology

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021

Bluetooth technology is used for sharing media but this is a network-based technology. By networking we mean, a network like our social media network, or a network in which all laptops are connected in a local area. Let us not define everything in bookish language. Let us keep aside these LAN, MAN, WAN, and CAN and similar sorts of vocabulary. What we should think about is how Bluetooth works?

5 minutes read
Digital Data Storage

Digital Data Storage

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021

Digital data storage is mostly offline storage for backup and fail-safe data. In recent years, digital data has evolved to include cloud storage. It is a server that hosts all types of uploaded data, including media files. It generally exists to serve companies that have large amounts of data and need it protected and backed up.

2 minutes read
Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021

There are two terms in “Cybersecurity " Cyber-Means the virtual reality of Computers and information technology similarly Security-means protection.

3 minutes read
SIRI:The Ultimate Guide

SIRI:The Ultimate Guide

Monday, Mar 22, 2021

Siri is the name of Apple’s personal digital assistant. It is basically voice control that talks back to you, that understands relationships and context, handle basic sequential inference, and has a personality straight out of Pixar.

6 minutes read


Sunday, Mar 21, 2021

The Term Nanorobotics You might be familiar with the term “Nanorobotics” if not then it’s a kind of technology of constructing machines or robots at microscopic size. Then why we adding “Nano” as suffix? Well the components that were used are scale to nanometers. Hence, the products of this technology are named as nanobots, nanomachines or nanoids . Well, this theory or idea was appeared in 1959 by Richard Feynman and his fellow Albert Hibbs.

4 minutes read
Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Sunday, Mar 21, 2021

The availability of several computing services over the Internet – “the cloud” is termed as cloud computing. The services provided include, storage (rather a common term for all! Yes, it is the cloud storage we use on our phone, e.g.: Mi cloud, Google Photos, Google Drive, etc.). But did you know Cloud Computing is not restricted to just storing data online but spreads from providing services like DBMS, networking, servers, etc. This blog will throw some light on the lesser-known services of computing over the “Cloud”!

4 minutes read

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